Consulting Magazine CM50 Survey FAQs

Q1: What is the CM50?

A: Consulting Magazine’s CM50 is the definitive ranking of the top 50 consultancies in the U.S. based on number of consultants, gross revenues as well as diversity and ESG programming.

Q2: How do I submit our firm's information?

A: This survey is an online submission form which can be found here. This needs to be filled out by the leader responsible for the relevant department(s): HR/Marketing/COO/Etc.

You may print a copy of the survey questions to facilitate the information gathering process. The survey PDF can be found and printed here.

Q3: Who is responsible for submitting the survey?

Only one survey should be submitted and it is expected that the survey submitter (regardless of their role) has conferred with and received final approved responses from the appropriate/relevant leaders before completing/submitting the final form.

Q4: By what criteria will firms be ranked?

A: Rankings are based on information gathered from each area:

  • Headcount (number of FTE Consultants)
  • Gross revenues (for preceding fiscal year)
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) census
  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) survey.

Q5: How are you defining consultants for purposes of headcount?

A: All census numbers should be average full-time equivalent (FTE) consultants for the 2022 calendar year. Please do not include temporary or contract consultants (except where specifically requested).

  • FTE Consultant: Fulltime personnel whose work is directly billable and directly generate income for the firm.
  • FTE Personnel: Fulltime personnel whose work is NOT directly billable, including all support staff.
  • Contract Consultant: Non FTE, billable personnel whose work is directly related to client work/product.

Q6: How are you defining the financial data you are asking us to include?

A: For the financial portion of the survey, we collect fiscal year financial information. All numbers should be based on gross revenues of your most recent fiscal year.

Q7: What information are you requesting for the diversity census?

A: For the diversity portion of the survey, we collect average FTE data by gender, ethnicity and sexual preference.

Q8: We have participated in the survey, what are the next steps?

A: All participating firms will be notified of their ranked position in the fall.

Q10: When is the deadline for completing the survey?

A: Please complete this combined financial/census/diversity survey by 12 p.m. EST, Friday, July 27, 2023.

Additional Information

Consulting Magazine is owned by ALM and therefore all correspondence relating to these events will come from an email address. Please disregard any offers from alternative companies claiming to be affiliated with these awards as they are unauthorized and not endorsed by this brand.

Please complete this combined financial/census/diversity survey by 12 p.m. EST, Friday, July 27, 2023.

If you have any questions, please consult our Frequently Asked Questions sheet or contact Michael Webb at or Karolina Bzikot at