Susan Freeman
Chief Executive Officer & Founder,
Conscious Inclusion Company

Susan Freeman is a leader in the fight for equity in the workplace through her inclusion work with clients. She draws on her experiences as a CEO, trainer, published author, sales executive, business owner, leader, and academic in political science, journalism, communication, and technology. Susan’s passion for equity in business drives her fight for the underrepresented to get a seat at the table, and once there, to be heard and respected.

Susan oversees all J.E.D.I. (justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion) partnerships and governance and creates, leads, manages, and implements J.E.D.I. strategies for clients, often using AI/NLP sentiment analysis. In her work with clients on their structural and systemic changes at the 4P-level (policies, practices, pay, and pipeline) Susan creates a roadmap for change, starting with human behaviors.